So what are the best things to eat to lose weight and just how do we fit them into our regular diet plan.

So what are the secrets to quick weight loss foods where are the miracles that will make me slim forever. Is it even possible that such foods exist and are grown only in deepest jungles or exotic faraway places.
The fact is some foods will ensure you put on less weight than others but all food is going to provide you with calories and if you use less than you consume then you have a surplus and this is called stored or excess fat.
Best Quick Weight Loss Foods
We are all different and we react to different foods in different ways and that is just a fact. Science is trying to figure out how we digest and react to foods, it’s all part of those bacteria we have in our stomach. Until science can give us a screen which will test exactly what is best for us and what foods will react in what way with our bodies we need to go with what we know.
The quick weight loss foods are those which are healthy, those which are low in calories, fat and sugars well yes but only in moderation.
If we want to lose weight fast we need some reduction in intake of fuel, calories and an increase in use of fuel.
The quick weight loss foods are those which are:
1. Not processed food, processed food is full of many things often labels are deceptive so try and start with making your own meals, this way you know exactly what you are getting.
2. Not low energy giving carbs like white bread and rice and pasta all of which will leave you wanting more and end up putting weight on.
3. Oily fish, always good for you.
4. Avocado, not my favorite at all but a bit before dinner helps the metabolism
5. Fruit, not all fruit is good and it is full of sugar so you should try to eat fruit alone, not as a part of a meal but a mid morning snack or breakfast. Go for berries like blueberries and raspberries and pomegranates, make up a little mix and you will enjoy.
6. Vegetables, most are good and you should use thee as a filler at meals eating lots of vegetables protein and very little in terms of carbohydrates. Broccoli and rhubarb are excellent for the metabolism as well.
Quick Weight Loss Foods to Avoid.
The foods to avoid are those labelled low fat no added sugar low calories new and improved recipes etc, these are all marketing ploys and may not be providing you with what you think you are getting.
Also cut down on junk food, fast food fries and pizzas and greasy sandwiches none of which will provide you with what you need, they may be good for the emotions and make you feel good in the short term but long term weight gain will soon destroy those feeling with the bad ones about being overweight.
Summary of Quick Weight Loss Foods.
Food is essential so must be consumed but always in moderation and never no more than we need. Always eat well and never skip meals, eat less more often is much better than the miss a meal scenario which will only result in stuffing yourself later.
Stick to the suggestions above and work out a menu which is good for you, quick weight loss foods will be those you enjoy, eat in moderation and stick with the basic rules of more vegetables and protein than carbohydrates.
As always when attempting to lose weight as well as those quick weight loss foods increase you daily exercise.
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